20 January 2008


- "London?"
- "London."
- "London?"
- "Yes, London. You know: fish, chips, cup 'o tea, bad food, worse weather, Mary fu*king Poppins... LONDON." (from "Snatch")

So wow, almost forgot to write about this little trip. Here comes a short version of the story: very crowded, cold and overwhelmed first night, until my sweet Chilean companion joined me. The following days were really nice and we saw a lot, and I mean a lot! Look at this route, we made it in one day and estimated its length to about 50 Pia-Serkan-kilometers! Probably even more, really!
See the map...

And now some impressions:

wondering if they are doing the Brazilian waxing as well... not that I want one, but... :)

View from the London Eye, quite expensive by the way:

Finally a sunny day!

In the science museum! Many touchy touchy things, it's awesome!

My favorite picture of London...

Many other pictures on my picasa album

Note to self:
  • Think twice about booking a flight to London Luton airport, because it's quite far from the center, and you might be better off taking another airport even if it's more expensive - at first sight. It takes more or less two hours from the airport to Piccadilly Circus and it costs about 15£, one way.
  • Simply planing to see central London? Check out the Piccadilly Backpacker.
  • If you're using the underground more than once, buy a day ticket