Spending a long weekend in Paris definitely tires you, especially if you walk from site to site. I think everybody is familiar with Paris' face (haha, what a pun), so I'll just post some cool pictures. The most impressive thing we saw, was the Louvre for me. It is just so amazingly large and I liked the architecture and all. The pyramids and the feeling of being in "The DaVinci Code"'s world... thrilling. Sadly there is no tomb down there... just ticket teller machines and information desks..
Lost his head:

Inside Notre Dame:

Everyone knows that thing, right?

World's best fish burger:

I guess you have seen enough pictures of DaVinci's Mona Lisa... but have you ever seen the crowd in front of it? here they are:

another famous one:

The Louvre, from inside to outside view:

Night shots:

Leaving Napoleon's tomb (how do you pronounce this word? is it more like "tom", like something heavy falling on the floor and doing that sound 'tomb' or is it more like "tuuuum", like when something cool happens and you were to say "uuuhhh"?)

and now we're looking back to Napoleon's tomb:

Sacre Coeur... kazillons of people:

Moulin Rouge... wasn't what I expected, although I don't really know what I expected :P

Aux Champs-Elysées, aux Champs-Elysées, Au soleil, sous la pluie, à midi ou à minuit..."

Yep, exactly... italian food in France :) But we were quite lucky with the restaurants, most of them turned out a pretty good choice afterwards...
"Die Welt ist ein Buch. Wer nie reist, sieht nur eine Seite davon." - "The world is a book. The ones which never travel, only see one page of it."Aurelius Augustinus (354 - 430)
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