I've also spent five short days in Porto Seguro - the place where the Portuguese met the mainland for the first time (probably run aground :P).
But first of all, the first thing we do is.... we relax, hehehe:

Then we look around:
One of the famous things in this state - Bahia- is Capoeira. For most it looks like some kind of a dance-fight thing... well... it is :D

I can't get enough of beaches, waves, sand and blue skies... By the way Bahia is closer to the equator than Rio and São Paulo, so it looks more tropical and more like you are dreaming.
So here we go once more:

A place called "Toa Toa" where people are dancing altogether to Axé music and doing movements and sounds which might remind you of the physical act of love... it's kinda fun for a while...

another one...

OK, now something very different: Mud. Filthy, brown mud. And loads of it... They lured us with "it's healthy for your skin, bla bla bla". And of course, all the women and older people went crazy. For the record: it's not worth it, it's really, really disgusting and the fricking mud makes your bathing clothing (favorably a tiny G-string for girls :D) exceptionally dirty.

Back to nice things: See this guy? Why does he look so happy? Any guesses?

There may be lots of reasons, but in that very moment the menina in the following picture was one of the main reasons... Guys, may I present you... yes... I know... say it... a w e s o m e :P

Crabs in pitú (I guess):

A real Baiana (
O Que É Que A Baiana Tem?):

A fake Baiana:

Another day, another beach :) We were heading towards "Praia do Espelho".

Huge parrot, can't really recognize that in the picture though...

Wanna see what the parrot is look at... this:

The advantage of having your own private photographer with you:) You get these kind of pictures for free:

Like a dream:

This one is my creation... I mean the picture:

"What is a friend? A single soul dwelling in two bodies." - Aristotle
1 comment:
I love your creation :p, hehe, very nice concept.
And I like you in the picture, so happy, hahaha :p
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